What is Best Treadmill for Shock Absorption? – Countfit

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What is Best Treadmill for Shock Absorption? – Countfit

Treadmills are popular training machines that let you train from the comfort of your office, lounge, and bedroom. They come IN different sizes, makeup, features, and prices. 

There are many points to consider when buying a treadmill, and one of them is its shock absorption ability. If you recently have had an exercise injury and are on the road to , you might look for a treadmill with shock absorption. Shock-absorbing treadmills reduce the impact on your joints and muscles, giving you a smooth and painless running experience. 

We have compiled a list of the best treadmills with shock absorption. These treadmills are picked on the basis of their features, budget, and shock absorption ability, and might be your best next treadmill pick for less joint pain and muscle spasms.

Don’t want to read the rest of the article to find out the overall best treadmill for shock absorption?

Our best Picks

SOLE F80 Foldable Treadmill

What is Best Treadmill for Shock Absorption? – Countfit

➤ Advanced Shock absorption technology
➤ Powerful Motor
➤ Durable and long lasting 
➤ Digital Monitor
➤ Incline
➤ Advanced functionality

T Series Treadmills

➤ Powerful Motor 
➤ FlexSelect advanced Cushioning technology
➤ Incline 
➤ Digital Tracking
➤ Pro-level fitness Features
➤ Durable and trusted across the Globe
➤ Bestseller Edition 

What does shock absorption help with?

Treadmills are electro-mechanical training tools, the running belt moves faster according to the motor’s top speed. When you step on the running belt, and as soon as the belt starts moving, the fraction between your feet and the belt is transferred to your body, starting from your ankles to your knees and up to your Groin and hip flexors. 

Shock absorption in treadmills dissolves the shocks from the running belt to your body. This impact force from the belt to your joints can be extremely harmful as it reduces your workout life and fitness potential. The impact shock can also cause workout injuries, and post-injury workouts on treadmills without shock absorption have higher chances of relapsing your injury. 

Shock Absorption in the treadmill makes the running belt softer and more comfortable to step on in running. They also provide a firmer grip on the belt and reduce the chances of falling down at a higher pace. But the most important function of a treadmill’s shock absorption is to reduce the impact force on your knees and joints. It is ideal for aged people, sportsmen coming after injury, or simply anybody with bad knees and joints.

How to choose a shock absorption treadmill

There are tons of Treadmill brands that claim their cushioning to be the best. Most of the brands advertise their treadmill to be multi-layered cushioned, which is nothing more than a soft sponge beneath the running belt.

When choosing a shock absorption Treadmill, check out the following features as they are decisive in how good of a shock absorber your treadmill is.


Look for a treadmill having a belt made with high-quality material. Mainly the best cushioned and softer belts are made of high-quality one-ply rubber, PVC material, cotton material, and urethane. These materials are used by famous Treadmill brands like NordicTrack, ProForm, and Sole. It gives the belt a firmer grip and makes it soft, reduces the impact on the joints and knees, and enhances your overall workout experience.

Cushioning Technology

Most Treadmills advertise having a shock absorption cushioned belt, but this is merely advertising slang and an installed soft under cotton. When choosing a treadmill with shock absorption, do research the cushioning technology used in making the track belt. Nordictrack uses Flexselect cushioning technology and is well-known in the fitness industry. A cushioning technology used in the track belt neither can be hidden nor misreported. You should thoroughly research the cushioning technology used in the track belt before getting a shock absorption treadmill. 

You can also increase the shock absorption of your treadmill if you own one, by spreading rubber mats beneath your treadmill for a reduced force impact on your joints and muscles. You can get a shock absorption mat for yourself online.


SOLE F80 Foldable Treadmill

> Sole F80 Treadmill is a high end Training Treadmill, placed in gyms, social clubs, and hotels. It comes with a lot of features, a flashy display, and instant one-touch exercise settings.

> The treadmill not only provides you exercise experience but also is designed to minimize the harm to your joints and muscles through treadmill workouts.

> It features an advanced Cushion flex whisper deck, that absorbs shocks and flex radiated to your body from the running track.

> The Cushion flex whisper deck gives the running track a smooth surface and makes running less painful. 


The Sole F80 Treadmill has useful features from workout modes and presets to incline, pulse grip, and chest strap heart rate monitoring. Below is a brief account of the features included in the Sole F80 treadmill.

Cushion Flex whisper deck

The cushion flex whisper deck is a powerful deck softening technology introduced in 1992 and included by Sole in their exclusive treadmill edition F80. It reduces the shock impact by up to 40 percent. 

The flex cushioning allows you more stability, ease, and comfortable firm stepping while running back and forth on the belt. The cushioning absorbs the shocks sent by the belt to your body and minimizes your risk of getting injured or relapsing your procured injury. 

Sole F80’s deck is a 2-ply belt with cushion flex whisper technology that makes the belt soft and quiet. It is so smooth that you won’t let someone in the adjacent room know that you’re shedding pounds. Sole f80’s cushioning is the strongest out there you look for. It is extremely useful for bad knees and a long-lasting workout journey.

Powerful Motor

The 3.5 CHP motor of Sole F80 has a maximum speed of 20 km/h. Regular Treadmills have a top speed of 16 km/h, and a higher speed of Sole F80 makes it feasible for high-intensity training and an ideal tool for athletic use.

With a higher top speed, it stands out among its competitors. The powerful motor along with its soft cushioning makes the running experience better, the motor further softens the belt and reduces noise from the machine to give you an overall better experience.

The self-cooling feature in the motor increases the average life of Sole F80, making it long-lasting, reduces the chance of the treadmill getting out of order, and keeps it functioning forever.

Digital Tracking

Sole F80 has a flashy design, a luxurious look, and a bright screen display of …. The screen shows your pace, the distance you have covered, and the calories burned. It also displays the workout mode going on, also one-touch features click pads to change your speed, incline percentage, and workout mode. The digital tracking is consistent and the machine has never been noted for inaccuracy and buggy operations. 

Sole F80 has a chest strap, included in the box, and a heart rate tracker. The heart tracker monitors your pulse and gives you an understanding of the dynamics of your cardiac health. You also get to your workout in a holistic manner, keeping both your body and mind healthy, and at the same time going on with an effective fitness .

Build Up

Sole F80 is a strong and sturdy full stack fitness Treadmill. All stainless steel frame, rubber layered at the grip handles, a 2-ply deck, and a modern design. The screen is vibrant and flashy, the digital buttons are big and sensitive. It also features an emergency stopping thread to end the session.


Treadmill Dimensions‎80″D x 35″W x 58″H
Shock AbsorptionCushion Flex Whisper Deck
Treadmill Weight‎265 Pounds
Maximum Weight Capacity375 Pounds
Material‎Heavy duty Alloy Steel
Maximum Speed‎19 KM per Hour
Deck Width37 Inches wide, 82 Inches long
Motor Engine‎3 Horsepower (CHP)
Incline ‎15 %
LCD7.5 Inches
Bluetooth CompatibilityYes
Built-in SpeakersYes

NordicTrack T Series Treadmills

Nordic Track is a well-known name in the fitness industry. They have been producing ellipticals, gym equipment, and treadmills since the 70s. NordicTrack T series treadmills are go-to recommendations if you’re looking for a complete package of treadmill features. Whether it’s the cushioning or a powerful motor, the NordicTrack T series is the best out there. It is a full stack Treadmill with features of Incline, digital tracking, Soft Cushioning, and a clever folding design to space room. Its powerful cushioning makes it ideal for a treadmill that can absorb shocks and flexes from the tread belt.


FlexSelect Cushioning

Nordictrack Series T treadmill features an advanced Flexselect cushioning technology that engages dampeners to reduce the impact on your joint and knees. On the other hand, you are able to de-cushion the belt with a single turn and make the workout more challenging and experience a real road track. Flexselect cushioning also features a noise reduction layer which makes the belt quieter and runs smoother. The nordic series T treadmill can be your go-to fitness tool for a softer running experience and a low-force impact on your knees and joints.

Powerful motor

The nordicTrack series treadmill has a powerful 3 CHP DurX motor. The motor is designed for extreme workouts and high-intensity exercise with a top speed of 20km/h. Despite greater horsepower and a high maximum speed, the motor runs smoothly without making harsh sounds or too much noise. 


NordicTrack Series T treadmill has an incline percentage of 12. An increase in incline elevates the track surface and makes the exercise more challenging, resulting in more calorie burn and a higher performance effect. A cushioned deck with an incline really goes well together, the one softens the other hardens. But in both you shred more, you lean more and you stay fit without injuring yourself.

Digital Tracking

NordicTrack T series Treadmill features digital tracking. It has an interactive display of  7 inches and shows you stats about your calories burned, distance covered, intervals, and workout mode. 

You also get unlimited access to fitness classes on a subscription to iFIT. Every new day you experience a new workout from elite trainers that make you become the best version of yourself and unlock your fitness beast mode.

Build up

NordicTrack T series Treadmill has a foldable design and can be placed in your lounge, planked to your bedroom wall, or in your basement. It has transportation wheels which makes it mobile and easy to handle. It is a rigid, sturdy, and stylish treadmill with all-in-one advanced features that will make your fitness journey exciting.


Shock Absorption‎FlexSelect Cushioning
Top Speed‎19 Km/h
Deck belt20 Inches wide, 60 Inches long
InclineAutomatic 12 % Incline
Treadmill Dimension‎78.9″D x 35.5″W x 59.5″H
Screen7 Inches LCD Screen

OVICX Q2S Folding Treadmill 

OVICX Q2S Folding Treadmill is a compact designed,  relatively treadmill that can fit best in your office, home, and lounge. It features a powerful motor, a wider cushioned deck, and a digital display to track your workout developments.


OVICX Q2S Folding Treadmill has built in modern features that make your workout efficient and generate results.

Silkworm Shock Absorption Technology

OVICX QS2 adopts the rebound silkworm shock absorption technology that reduces the impact on your joints, knees, and lower body. The silkworm shock absorption deck dissolves the force, prior to reception by your body. The impact force is disastrous for knees and joints and can inflict more harm than benefit you. Your body receives impact through your ankles, going toward your knees and joints. Impact force from the deck is powerful and almost twice your weight, and can be a huge pain to your joints, especially if you have bad knees. 

OVICX QS2 shock absorption deck makes you out without worry, reduces your chances of getting injured, and staying fit.

3.0 CHP Motor

OVICX has a 3-horsepower motor that runs smoothly with a top speed of 14 km/h. The motor is not only powerful but quiet and makes the exercise noiseless and less fatiguing.

A unique function of Fatigue speed reduction allows you to slow down the treadmill by pressing a single button. It is useful in case of moving too fast for too long and you need to stop at once if you’re feeling unwell, the motor slows down and you’re walking suddenly. By pressing the same button you are again running at the previous speed. Strange! Isn’t it?

Digital tracking

OVICX QS2 Treadmill tracks your calorie burn, your distance covered, and time interval. You are shown the data right on the treadmill’s screen and also are able to access it by downloading OVICX mobile app.

Mobility and Storage

OVICX QS2 has a foldable design and can be folded after every session and moved through built-in transportation wheels. It is relatively small and can be placed anywhere in your house, room, or garage. It needs no installation and is functioning right out of the box. A clever foldable design and transportation wheels help you save space, and also make it ideal for low ceilings and low-spaced dwellings.


Shock Absorption‎Silk Worm Shock Absorption Technology
Top Speed14 Km/h
Treadmill weight95 Pounds
Maximum weight Capacity300 Pounds
Engine Motor3 HorsePower (CHP)
DesignTransportation wheels, Foldable
Treadmill Belt17 Inches wide, 50 Inches Long
Treadmill Dimensions‎64.96″D x 25.59″W x 44.88″H

Horizon Fitness T101 Folding Treadmill

Horizon Fitness T101 Folding Treadmill is a compact foldable with a modern look treadmill for your office or home. It is a lightweight treadmill with an innovative design that keeps you working out from the comfort of your bedroom. The small makeup and foldable design make it ideal for personal use and save you space. 


Horizon Fitness T101 foldable Treadmill has multi-layered features that keep you drained and entertained. From running-track Incline to Bluetooth music, your workout journey becomes exciting.

Responsive 3 zoned Cushioned deck

Horizon fitness T101 treadmill is cushioned in three zones; impact zone, transition zone and push-off zone.

It gives less impact force to your ankles, joints, and knees. The cushioning allows you to run comfortably, reduces force on your body, and creates fewer surges and lags. The impact zone where you land your forward foot has softer cushioning to reduce the force on your knees and also make it less challenging; less strength is required to land your foot safely and complete the step.

The transition zone is cushioned moderately to your foot back smoothly. The push-off zone, where your foot falls behind your hips while running, has firmer cushioning to reduce the chances of falling off and safely completing the step. 

This 3-zone advanced cushioning mechanism, almost like a comforting cycle, makes Horizon fitness t101 the best-cushioned treadmill among others. It helps to prevent injuries and increase comfort, at the same time lets you shred more safely.

2 Horsepower Motor

Horizon Fitness T101 treadmill has a two-hp powerful motor made with the JohnsonDrive system. The motor is ultra quiet and runs at the top speed of 16 km/h. It is built around Johnson’s Quiet Motor Technology, which reduces motion sounds and operating noises. The Motor also has a lower revolution shaft per minute (RPM), which gives it self-cooling ability after continuous long runs and makes the motor long-lasting and durable. Horizon’s Ultra-quiet motor technology and Johnson’s powerful lower rpm motor make you run more without caring for your device to shut down on you.

12 percent Incline

Horizon Fitness T101 has a 10 percent incline to give you a challenging terrain-like experience and make you lose more fat.

A quick one-touch control lets you work out at your preferred incline percentage. You can also save frequent settings based on your incline rate and speed, and a single touch will let you work out at that incline percentage and speed.

Digital tracking and Connectivity

You are able to connect your Horizon Fitness T101 treadmill to your smartphone through Bluetooth. It has a device holder where you can keep your phone, and the Bluetooth connectivity lets you listen to music, watch movies or attend fitness classes while running and your device in the firm Horizon’s device holder. The treadmill has power stereo speakers and makes your exercise really exciting and keeps you entertained while you shred those extra pounds.

Horizon has a large display screen where you can watch the statistics of your exercise. It shows you the burned calories, distance covered speed, and time interval. All these statistics are useful to understand your workout routine and make you commit to healthy decisions in your diet and help you with weight management.

Build Up and Mobility

Horizon Fitness T101 Treadmill is fully featured but relatively small in make-up. It has a dimension of…. Horizon has a foldable design and can be easily folded after a workout session and the built-in transportation wheels let you move it without any issue. It is extremely mobile and easy to handle, is a space saver, and can be placed in a small room or planked to your bedroom wall.


Shock Absorption3 Zones Cushioning
Running Belt Surface20 Inches wide, 55 Inches Long
Engine Motor‎2 Horsepower (CHP)
Incline Percentage‎10 %
Treadmill Weight‎180 Pounds
Maximum Weight Capacity 300 Pounds
Treadmill Dimension‎70″D x 34″W x 55″H
Top Speed‎16 Km per Hour
Design‎Foldable, Water Bottle Holder, Compact Design
Bluetooth ConnectivityYes
Built-in SpeakerYes
HoldersPhone/Tab, Water Bottle

MKHS Treadmills for Home


6-layer Rebound Boost Cushioning

MKHS Shock Absorption Folding Treadmill features a 6-layered shock absorption technology to protect your knees and joints. The rebounding boost support gives a slight bump to your feet while running which makes running easier and more comfortable. The multilayered cushioned belt protects your knees and joints from the impact force that your body gets while running. The softer belt and the rebounding boost make running softer and easier, which is rare in Treadmills that are beginner friendly, well-equipped, and protective.

2.25 HP Motor

MHKS Shock Absorption  Absorption Treadmill has a powerful 2.25 Horsepower Quiet Motor. The motor has a top speed of 13 km/h, runs quietly and smoothly with less noise, and is an ideal starter for home environments. 

MHKS Shock absorption motor has high-temperature resistance, does not get scorched easily, keeps running, and stays cool. It also has an energy conservation feature, where in low-intensity workout modes it spends less energy, keeps the treadmill safe, and long-lasting, and also does not overuse your electricity.

3 Level Incline

MKHS Shock Absorption has a three-level auto incline. The first level gives you the experience of a flat running track, the second level is that of climb and the third is of stair climbing. Auto Incline keeps your ankles and joints protected through its double shock-absorb cushioning while burning more calories and shredding higher fat.

Digital Tracking

MKHS Shock Absorption Folding Treadmill tracks your calories burned, distance traveled, and time interval. All this data is shown to you on the treadmill’s screen in real-time. The Treadmill has 36 preset workout programs and 1 manual to get your fitness monitored. It also tracks your pulse through the handle grip and shows you your heart rate while working out or walking, jogging, and sprinting.

Build Up and Mobility

A smart and stylish design with transportation wheels makes MKHS shock absorption Treadmill easy to handle and mobile. You can fold the treadmill and place it anywhere, it is small, sleek, and a room saver. Also ideal for people with small apartments and lower ceilings. It can fit best anywhere.


Shock AbsorptionDouble Shock Absorption System (6 Layers cushioned belt)
Running Surface45 Inches long, 16.5 Inches wide
Engine Motor2.25 Horsepower (CHP)
Item Weight‎100 Pounds
Treadmill Dimensions‎57.1″D x 26″W x 50.2″H
Maximum Speed13 Km/h per Hour
Maximum weight capacity300 Pounds
Design‎Foldable (Soft Drop Folding system)
ScreenLED Display

Final Words

This was the end of our list of best Treadmills for shock absorption. All of the Treadmills above use modern cushioning and shock absorption technology, which helps you prevent injuries. We picked Treadmills with the best Shock absorption technology and soft cushioning, but at the same time equipped with advanced features and durable engine motors, to give you the best workout experience. 

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Di [email protected]

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